Donald Trump Fed Up, About to Punch Joe Biden in the Face

Folks, let me tell you, nobody gets under my skin like Sleepy Joe Biden. I mean, can you believe this guy? He’s so nasty, so mean, and quite frankly, very unfair to me. It’s a disgrace, a total disgrace. People are saying—and these are very smart people, the best people—they’re saying that Joe Biden is the nastiest president we’ve ever had. Believe me, I’ve seen a lot of nasty presidents, and he takes the cake.

Every time I turn on the TV, which I do a lot because I love the TV, what do I see? Joe Biden, stumbling and mumbling, saying all these mean things about me. He calls me names, and not even good names, folks. I mean, if you’re going to insult someone, at least be creative! Sad! He says things like, “Donald Trump is the worst president ever,” and “Donald Trump this,” and “Donald Trump that.” Give me a break!

Let me tell you, when I was in office, nobody was as tough on Joe as I was. I gave him nicknames, I tweeted about him, I even challenged him to a cognitive test. Did he ever take it? No, because he’s scared. That’s right, folks, scared. And now, he’s hiding in the White House, pretending to be busy while the country goes down the tubes. It’s a disaster, a complete disaster.

You know, sometimes I wish I could just walk right into the White House, march up to Joe, and say, “You’re fired!” Wouldn’t that be something? The ratings would be through the roof. People love it when I fire people. They really do. But no, I have to sit here and watch as Joe Biden ruins everything. It’s so unfair.

And the media, don’t even get me started on the media. They treat him like he’s some kind of hero. “Oh, look at Joe, he’s wearing sunglasses,” or “Oh, look at Joe, he rode a bike.” Big deal! I wear sunglasses all the time, and I ride the best bikes, the most beautiful bikes, but do I get any credit? No! They just love to bash Trump, day in and day out. It’s a witch hunt, folks, a total witch hunt.

But mark my words, one day, I’ll get my revenge. I’ll be back, and when I am, Joe Biden won’t know what hit him. We’ll make America great again, and we’ll do it in style. Until then, I’ll just keep tweeting and giving interviews, letting everyone know how terrible Joe Biden is. Because someone has to tell the truth, and believe me, I’m the best at telling the truth. Believe me.

About the author: Cryptopher Robin
Twitter admin & content creator for #MoonTrump.
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Twitter admin & content creator for #MoonTrump.

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