The Great Escape: When Life Gives You Oranges, Make Moon Juice

DJT Moon Juice

In the world of business, they say you’ve got to have the zest to succeed. But for one particularly vibrant entrepreneur, it wasn’t just zest he was full of—it was pulp fiction. Let’s call him Mr. Tangelo. Mr. Tangelo was the kind of guy who could sell ice to polar bears and sunscreen to oranges. His business empire was built on a foundation of juicy deals and citrusy schemes.

But as the old saying goes, if life gives you lemons, you’re supposed to make lemonade—not swindle lemonade stands out of their hard-earned cash. Mr. Tangelo, however, missed that memo. He was charged with business fraud, having been caught trying to pass off grapefruits as mega-oranges. The trial was the talk of the town, with everyone tuning in to see if Mr. Tangelo would end up in the big house or if he’d somehow manage to peel away from the long arm of the law.

The verdict? Guilty as charged. Mr. Tangelo was sentenced to an orange jumpsuit that matched his vibrant personality. But he wasn’t about to let his dreams get squashed. On the night before he was supposed to be sent to the slammer, he concocted a plan so wild, it was straight out of a comic strip.

With the help of his loyal band of fruit enthusiasts, Mr. Tangelo made a daring escape. They say he tunneled out using nothing but a spoon and a mountain of determination. Once free, he didn’t just run—he soared. Mr. Tangelo had one more trick up his sleeve: a ticket to ride on Space Force One, the only vehicle with enough horsepower to outrun his legal troubles.

As the engines roared to life, Mr. Tangelo blasted off into the cosmos, leaving behind a trail of bewildered faces and one very confused prison guard. His destination? The moon, of course! Because where else can a man with a zest for life and a penchant for trouble find solace? Plus, the low gravity meant his business ventures would literally be “off the ground.”

So there he is, Mr. Tangelo, sipping on moon juice and chuckling to himself. He may be a wanted man on Earth, but on the moon, he’s just another eccentric with a story to tell. And who knows? Maybe he’ll start the galaxy’s first lunar orange grove. After all, when life gives you oranges, why not make moon juice?

Disclaimer: This blog post is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

About the author: Troy Nihart
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Troy Nihart President
Troy Nihart is a pivotal figure in the entrepreneurial landscape, particularly noted for his ventures in the health, wellness, and technology sectors. His career trajectory showcases a blend of innovation, leadership, and strategic business acumen.

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